The EFESME Members met to discuss with success the activities of the Federation to support and inform European lift SMEs.
During the last EFESME Board meeting, Members had the opportunity to discuss with the Federation's various technical experts about the latest developments within the European and international standardisation world. Thanks to the solid and long-lasting cooperation with SBS, EFESME experts have continued to participate in a stable and successful way in the European work of CEN TC 10 and ETSI Smart M2M, the Notified Bodies, the Commission Expert Group on Machinery and the Commission Expert Group on Lifts. At international level, EFESME is active in ISO TC 178.
Members were also able to discuss with the EFESME Secretariat the activities, events, and deliverables developed over the past year in support of European lift SMEs. The members were very satisfied, and identified a number of activities to be taken forward in the near future with the support of the technical experts and the EFESME Secretariat.
Finally, the Federation saw the election of a number of new Directors to replace the previous national association representatives within EFESME. The Federation and its President thank all Members and their current and past representatives for their excellent work and solid collaboration, and wish the new Board of Directors all the best in their upcoming activities.
EFESME has already started to organise its activities for the coming months, with the full support of the Board of Directors - information and training of SMEs and the creation of a working environment, not only European, remain the priorities of the Federation, its members and the various technical experts involved.