EFESME informs

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June 27, 2023

EFESME Board of Directors and General Assembly

The EFESME Members met to discuss the Federation’s activities, and how to continue to support lift SMEs, together.

During a particularly interesting meeting, the Members discussed the various activities in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises carried over the past six months, and planned the future ones to ensure comprehensive and tailor-made support for European lift SMEs: new events, articles, and meetings at national level will be announced soon.

On the technical side, the Members were able to discuss in detail the technical and standardisation work carried out by the EFESME experts within CEN-CENELEC, ETSI, and ISO, as well as with the European Commission, its expert groups, and NB-Ls.

EFESME also saw the Swiss company Cobianchi join the Federation in the role of Observer. Cobianchi's CEO, Mr. Rudolf Ramseier, attended EFESME's General Assembly to present his company and answer questions from Members, before being welcomed by the positive vote of the General Assembly and joining the Federation.

In addition, as the opening session of the Board of Directors, SBS - Small Business Standards was present with Mr. Andrea Raffaelli, the SBS lift experts coordinator, who gave an interesting presentation on the various projects it follows at European level with EFESME and its other members, to support European SMEs and create standards that are favourable to them.

EFESME and its Members are satisfied with the work they have done together, and fully committed to continuing together along a path of collaboration and support for and with lift SMEs.

EFESME aisbl
6, Rond-Point Schuman
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B-1040 Brussels (Belgium)
T (+32) 2 230 7414
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