1. In developing the current standards in your country and in the related working groups:
1a. What is the average composition of members from different stakeholders?
1b. Is this composition affecting the outcome of standardisation activities?
2. How are your standards addressing the following topics?
2a. Availability of detailed indications on how to provide appropriate access to the different elevator equipment by the differently competent maintenance operators.
2b. Normative prescriptions for mandatory presence on site of:
• Special tools for rescue, maintenance, diagnostics, repairs.
• Instructions (including detailed plans for the whole lifecycle) for maintenance, repairs, adjustments & replacements.
3. As Association, do you offer to your associates any trainings for general and/or maintenance activities relevant to updates to the main (referenced) standards?
As can be seen from the questions, the event revolved around three main topics, which were then analysed in more detail thanks to questions from the audience: the composition of the WGs working on lift standardisation in the EU, the USA, and India; the accessibility of instructions for use and special tools (a crucial topic on which EFESME has been working on for years); and the importance and availability of training in order to be able to count on up-to-date and trained staff. These are key issues for the whole sector, but especially for the small and medium-sized enterprises that EFESME represents in Europe. During the webinar, lift SMEs were often one of the aspects addressed by the experts, demonstrating their fundamental role in all aspects of the lift industry - albeit with different elements depending on the reality in which they work.
At the organisers' behest, the webinar was a dialogue between the parties, so that lift standardisation and how it is evolving in Europe, the US, and India could be openly compared, always with an eye on how the various local processes will impact global standardisation, and vice versa. It was a dynamic event, a back-and-forth between the parties often enlivened by questions from the audience, which certainly helped to further define certain points of interest, especially regarding the future of standardisation.
There was great satisfaction on the part of EFESME, NAEC and EECMAI for this first webinar together - it is proof that by collaborating together we can achieve results that are not only important, but interesting and useful for the entities involved, their associates and all interested stakeholders.
EFESME would like to thank NAEC and EECMAI, their respective presidents Mr. John Tolar and Mr. Suraj Thodimarath, the experts and staff involved in organising this webinar, and hopes it will be the first in a series dedicated to learning more about not only lift standardisation in one own part of the world, but also abroad, so as to create opportunities and synergy for continuous improvement.
Unable to follow the event or interested in checking it again?
- The recording of the event is available HERE
- Mr. Paolo TATTOLI's presentation HERE
- Mr. TAK Mathews' presentation HERE
Do you have a question on the event? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!