Following the publication by the European Commission of a public consultation on the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and its future revision, EFESME presented a series of comments aimed at exemplifying and presenting the position of lift SMEs on this issue, also considering the Commission's proposal to transform the Directive into a European Regulation.
The EFESME comments focused mainly on the Essential health and safety requirements (EHSRs), the availability of instructions for use, and the cross-cutting impact of digitalisation, all of which are crucial and fundamental aspects for the work and daily activities of SMEs.
Furthermore, the Federation's position is not against the idea of the Directive becoming a Regulation, but in this case it will be necessary to ensure that the text is as SME-friendly as possible, so that it does not become a burden on their daily activities, but rather an additional tool to allow them to thrive and work in the most effective and satisfactory way.
The comments have been developed by the Federation's team of technical experts, with the collaboration of SBS - Small Business Standards, of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance and of their experts.