Yesterday, 4th December 2018, Small Business Standards, EFESME's partner in defending SMEs interested in standardization, celebrated five years of activity!
The event, hosted at the European Parliament by Mrs Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, MEP, allowed SBS and its partners and partners to celebrate this important moment together.
Many happy returns to SBS, and a toast to our fruitful collaboration on behalf of SMEs at European level!
Mrs Gunilla Almgren, President of SBS, cutting the cake to kick-start the birthday party
Mr Massimo Bezzi, President of EFESME and one of the founders of SBS (left), Mrs Gunilla Almgren, President of SBS (centre), and Mr Gerard Bobier, President of APCMA and Vice-President of SBS (right)
(L-R) Mr Gerard Bobier, President of APCMA and Vice-President of SBS, Mrs Gunilla Almgren, President of SBS , Ms Alice Lazioli, Head of Confartigianato Brussels Office, and Mr Massimo Bezzi, President of EFESME and one of the founders of SBS