On 15th July the EC presented the so-called "summer package" for a new European energy system. This package of measures starts implementing the new strategy presented on February by the Juncker Commission, “Energy Union”, which defines a forward-looking policy on climate change. Specifically, the measures are based on a new definition of the role of consumers in the energy market, a redefinition of the European electricity market, an update of the energy efficiency labelling and a revision of the EU emission trading scheme (ETS). The proposals focus on the principle of "efficiency first" and put consumers and businesses in the centre of the European energy market. With regard to energy labelling, the EC has published a proposal for a regulation, which proposes to return to the original energy scale from A to G.
As for the role of consumers, the EC presented a communication setting out a three-point strategy: helping consumers to save money and energy through better information; give consumers more choice when they decide to participate in the energy market and maintain the highest possible level of consumer protection.
For more information, see the press release.