1st SBS National Training on Standardisation in the lift sector

11 Sep 2024
  • 12.00 - 13.30

Join us for an interesting meeting opportunity with SBS and our member FEPYMA!

The day will be dedicated to removing barriers, promoting all types of accessibiliy,
and training lift SMEs in how to participate in national, European and international standardisation.

Programme More info from FEPYMA

20240911 SBS National seminar Spain teaser

In the framework of the "Eliminar barreras" event organised by FEPYMA in Bilbao on 11 September 2024, EFESME and SBS will organise the first SBS national training on standardisation in the lift sector.
The event will create a very good opportunity to meet Spanish lift SMEs, with the aim to train and inform them about:

  • The possibilities for lift SMEs and SME in all sectors to participate with their experts in standardisation processes at national, European and international level
  • The possible forms of collaboration between SMEs and standardisation bodies
  • The most recent updates from lift standardisation
  • The risk and benefits for lift SMEs of the transition towards international standards
  • The role of standards in lift SMEs daily work and how they can be tools to facilitate their job

Moreover, the day, which is already part of a series of events organised by FEPYMA to train and inform Spanish SMEs, will also see the development of a larger event entirely dedicated to breaking down any barriers that may prevent SMEs from fully participating in the lift industry as true protagonists, and to informing Spanish SMEs of the latest Spanish and European legislation in their sector.

EFESME and SBS thank FEPYMA for the opportunity to organise the training together and for the interesting combination with the Spanish event dedicated to the elimination of any barrier in the sector.

Contact the EFESME Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any questions you may have on the event.

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