The European Commission - DG EMPL and EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, will be among our guests during the first panle, dedicated to the EU institutions. This will be the perfect occasion to illustrate to our audience what the European institutions are doing about occupational safety and health on the work place, and about what are the specific EU policies and projects in this regards, especially for SMEs.
During the second panel, on the other hand, some of the EFESME members will speak about the most important standardisation provisions on this topic and about the many activities they have that have been carried out in recent years to support lift SMEs and ensure safety in the workplace.
Check the programme for more details! We hope to see you there, with many interesting questions for our speakers. Should you have any question, the EFESME Secretariat remains at your disposal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you need any further information.