You can download the PDF version here On October 17th, on the occasion of the 2019 Interlift Fair (Augsburg, Germany), EFESME organised this year SBS Lift Seminar, focused on why cybersecurity is important in the lift sector. Both Mr Massimo Bezzi, President of EFESME, and Ms Gunilla Almgren, President of SBS, spoke at the beginning of the event, underlining, on the one hand, the work EFESME has been doing on digitalisation and cybersecurity in the last years, and, on the other, the fundamental work constantly carried on by SBS to protect and support SMEs in the standardisation processes. Both speeches served as a starting point for further discussions, always keeping in mind the fundamental link between SMEs, digital evolution, and the need to have adequate, SMEs friendly standards to steer the market. The SBS Lift seminar, which lasted the whole morning, was divided in two sessions, the first theoretical and the second more practical and based on case studies. This allowed the speakers to explore the most different aspects of cybersecutiry and standardisation in the lift sector. Download - Programme of the event During the first session, aptly named Standardisation and monitoring in the digital era, Mr Scarrone, Chairman of ETSI TC SmartM2M, spoke about how the standard can support the integration of the so-called “smart lifts”, considering the most recent developments of the market in the IoT age. Mr Scarrone’s presentation showed to the audience how standardisation is evolving and adapting to the latest developments in the digital market, which is constantly changing and updating itself. Download - Smart Lifts & IoT
The following speaker was Mr Lars Odlen, a Swedish entrepreneur with a decades-long experience in the sector, who spoke about how it is possible to monitor a lift without encountering safety risks. Mr Odlen explained what these risks may be, how to avoid them, and how the market itself can develop around a similar issue. In addition, he illustrated what technology is already available on the market, so that SMEs can work without incurring unnecessary risks while monitoring installations.
The second session, which explained how digitalisation and cybersecurity are affecting the lift market, saw two case studies from Italy and Spain, which were used by the speakers to go into detail on the topic, and show how cybersecurity and digital skills are becoming more and more fundamental in the everyday work of SMEs. Mr Riccardo Tribaudino, head of hardware and software development at Elettroquadri, used his speech to present to the guests a concrete and material example of how digitalisation can provide real-time information about a plant to a technician, without this same information being at risk, thanks to the intelligent use of cybersecurity skills. His speech was very important to show the possibilities opened up to SMEs by digitalisation and cybersecurity. Download – KM0 - Your technician on site
Following the path set by Mr Tribaudino, Mr José Maria Compagni, Coordinator of FEPYMA, the Spanish member of EFESME, and owner of Docensas, explained how the Spanish market is reacting to the challenges posed by digitalisation, presenting the conclusions of two events recently organised on Spanish territory (more information here). Download – Safety and Cybersecurity: Developing Digital Skills in Lift SMEs. A collaborative approach
The Q&A sessions offered to the audience the opportunity to engage in a lively debate about different aspects of cybersecurity in the lift sector, taking advantage of the various speeches as a starting point to expand the discourse towards more specific aspects. EFESME and SBS thank all speakers and participants, and invite all the interested parties to the next SBS Lift Forum, which will take place next spring. Make sure to follow EFESME on its social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) to stay up-to-date with our activities and events, and contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about our work and activities and to be added to our newsletter and news mailing list.